AoS2 Shared Music
In AoS2 you study how musicians work together in different stylistic and cultural contexts, by exploring:
• how a solo part is supported and enhanced by an accompaniment in:
-- voice with single instrumental accompaniment
-- lead voice/instrument with ensemble
• how parts combine in ensembles
• the impact of large musical forces in choral singing.

Focus for Learning Candidates should explore the relationships and roles of voices and instruments as shown in:
• voice and accompaniment:
-- Pop ballads.
• music contrasting one solo instrument with orchestra/band:
-- Jazz.
• ensembles:
-- Gamelan
-- Baroque and Classical chamber music.
• large vocal ensembles:
Candidates should also study:
• the way in which performers learn their parts and have their music communicated, i.e. from notation or from following a leader in an improvisatory manner
• the contextual features that affect the way ensembles interact, including venues, available resources and the cultural environment. Candidates should be given the opportunity to learn