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Tonality in Music


The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines tonality in music as


'... the principle of organising musical compositions around a central note, the tonic...' 


In Western classical music, tonal music means music that is in a major or minor key. In each case, the tonal centre is the first note of the major or minor scale that music is based on.



Major Tonality


Music in a major key is generally thought to sound 'happy'. It is more positive and up-lifting.


In a major key, the distance between the second and third notes of the scale is a whole tone (two half steps).


A Major key  could be used to help describe:


Victory, Triumph, Happiness, Joy, Hope etc.



Minor Tonality


Music in a minor key is generally thought to sound 'sad' or 'dark'. It is more melancholic.


In a minor key, the distance between the second and third notes of the scale is a semi-tone (one half step).



Minor key could be used to help describe:


Sadness, loneliness, fear, horror, danger etc.




Atonal Music


Atonal music is music that has no sense of key. The music has no logical sense of coming to rest in a 'home' key.


Atonal music was explored by composers such as Alban Berg, Arnold Schoenberg, and Anton Webern at the start of the 20th Century.




Beethoven - Für Elise. Original in Minor key.

How would it sound in a major key?

What about don't stop believing - in a minor key?

Here is an example of a piece of music without

any key at all. This is Atonal.

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