Baroque & Classical Chamber Music.
Chamber Music describes music played by small groups of musicians. It became popular in the houses of the wealthy in Vienna, Austria and across Europe in the Baroque and Classical Music periods.
Classical Chamber Music.
Classical Period: 1750-1820.
What to listen for in Classical Chamber Music...
String Quartet popular. (Violin x 2, viola, cello)
Balanced four bar phrases. (Two bar question and two bar answer).
Subtle dynamics - crescendos and diminuendos.
Piano - Took over from the harpsichord.
Who? - Classical Composers: Mozart, Haydn.
Baroque Chamber Music.
Baroque Period: 1600-1750.
What to listen for in Baroque Chamber Music...
Terraced or stepped dynamics
- sudden changes from loud to quiet etc.
Harpsichord - played from the basso continuo (continuous bass part) with a cello or bassoon playing the bass notes.
Texture is often contrapuntal (polyphonic).
Lots of ornaments - trills etc.
Trio sonata was a popular baroque ensemble.
- It had four musicians because two played the continuo part.
Who? - Baroque Composers: Handel, Bach.
Haydn - String Quartet In E Flat. Mvt. 4
Bach - Trio Sonata in G Major - III Adagio

This is a part of a score from a Baroque Trio Sonata. Notice there are only three lines of music but it would be played by four musicians.
A cello or bassoon would play the notes on the bottom bass line. If you look closely you will see numbers above some of the bass notes. The harpsichord (or organ) would be able to play the chords that these numbers represent. So, two instruments would read the music from the bottom line.

This is painting of string quartet performing in a private house. They would not have a conductor but would stay in time through listening, counting and using non verbal communication such as nodding, swaying or making gestures with their bows.
AoS2 Chamber Music - Traded Tips
Baroque Chamber Music 1600 - 1750
Tempo - Often Fast, Slow, Fast movements.
Rhythm - Regular tempo - but no conductor.
Articulation - Strong accent on first beat of bar.
Dynamics - Stepped or Terraced Dynamics. (Sudden).
Expression - Very busy but slow movements can be v. legato.
Devices - Imitation, Sequences, Ground Bass (repeating bass line).
Texture - Polyphonic common (fugues etc). But Homophonic also.
Instruments - Harpsichord, Cello or Bassoon (Basso Continuo). Violins, Futes.
Pitch -
Structure - Fugue, Binary, Ternary.
Other... Bach, Handel, Vivaldi. Rooms of wealthy. Trio Sonata.
Classical Chamber Music 1750 - 1820
Tempo - A range - fast and slow movements.
Rhythm - Alberti bass (quaver rhythm common).
Articulation - Clear accents two and four bar phrases.
Dynamics - Graded crescendos and diminuendos.
Expression - Helped by above but ordered and precise.
Devices - Alberti bass, Imitation, sequences.
Texture - Melody with accompaniment popular.
Instruments - String Quartet (no conductor). Piano quintet etc.
Pitch -
Structure - Sonata form, Theme and Variations.
Other... Mozart, Haydn. Vienna, Rooms of Wealthy.