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Pitch (& Melody).
Pitch - How high or low the music is.
Scalic - Rising or falling passages up (or down) a scale.
Passing note – Notes that link two harmony notes.
Leap – A jump in a melody of several notes.
Intervals – The distance between notes (e.g. unison, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th, octave.
Tone – Two half steps (two semi-tones).
Semitone – One half step. The interval to an adjacent note. Chromatic movement.
Scales - (Major, minor, chromatic, blue scale, (Indian Raga / Slendro, pelog in Gamelan)
Range – The distance between the highest and lowest notes.
Bend – Technique used by guitarists / sitar players to alter the pitch of a note by bending the string. Glissando / slide.
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