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AoS3 Dance Music


The content for this area of study is assessed in:

• Unit B354 Listening Test.


Candidates will have additional opportunity to demonstrate their understanding within:


• Unit B352 Practical Portfolio (composition or arrangement of a piece of dance music).


Candidates should study the characteristic features and rhythmic patterns of three types of social dance drawn from contrasting social/historical/geographical contexts:


• paired dance:

-- Waltz

-- Tango

-- Salsa


• group/folk/synchronised dance:

-- American Line Dance

-- Irish Jig and Reel

-- Bhangra


• improvised dance:

-- Disco

-- Club Dance



Focus for Learning: Candidates should study and develop an understanding of: 


• the origins and cultural context of each style of dance

• the musical characteristics of each dance (structure,       tempo, metre, rhythm, melody, instrumentation)

• links between the music and the dance steps

• the impact of venue and occasion on the way the             music is structured and performed

• the impact of technology on modern dance

• the names of composers and performers of the music.


Candidates should also learn to apply their understanding of the principles of dance music to other dance styles.

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