Creative Task - Mu.lab
The example answer which follows looks at a Creative Task Chord Pattern which has been composed and realised using mu.lab. This would achieve a high B grade.
The composition has been based on four chords: C (C,E,G), Dm (D,F,A), Am (A,C,E), G (G,B,D).
Screen Shot 1.
The composition has been created with simple string chords, a bass line on the root of the chord and simple broken chords on piano. A drum beat helps to hold it all together. There is also a volume track on the master where the dynamics have been recorded to include dynamic contrast. The chords change every bar and the sequence is used in order except for a middle section which uses two Dm chords followed by an Am chord and a G chord.
Screen Shot 2.
The screen shot below shows a four bar section of the composition. Notice how the drum pattern has three bars of the same rhythm with a 'fill' bar at the end of each four bar phrase.
All the C major loops were created first so that the bass, chords and piano could be played together to check they worked well together. The next step was dragging each C chord part with the ctl button pressed down to create a copy which could be changed without altering the original. The notes were then changed for a D minor chord and the loop renamed. (You could also change the colour of the loop if you wanted).
Screen Shot 3.
The 3rd screen shot below shows a simple chord used with the strings. Notice how the chord does not start on the first beat of the bar. Try different rhythms to add interest to the composition.
Screen Shot 4.
The final screen shot below shows one bar of the piano 'broken chord'. Notice how the notes of the chord are not just played C, E, G - C, E, G on the beat. Instead, the notes are mixed up a little and the phrase includes a little syncopation.
C,Dm,Am,G Creative Task Example