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What? A fusion of African & American music with Improvisation.

Where? USA

When? Early 1900s

Who? Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker.

Rhythm - Syncopated, swung.


Rhythm Section - drums, double bass, piano.

Lead instruments - Trumpet, Saxophone, Trombone.

Big Bands had multiple trumpets, Saxophones and Trombones as well as the rhythm section.

How the Instruments Interact.

Drum Bass and Piano hold the rhythm together with the bass and piano outlining the chords (harmony).

Lead instruments play the tune or Head often together (in unison) and take it in turns to improvise over the set chord sequence.

Venue / Location - Jazz club, concert hall.






AoS2 Jazz - Traded Tips


Tempo -           Jazz Ballads slow. Bebop Very fast!

Rhythm -         Swing Rhythm. Dotted feel.

Articulation -   Strong Accents on first beat of the bar and on the beat.

Dynamics -      Ballads can be quiet. Big band and Bebop loud!

Expression -    Improvisation = musical expression through the spontaneous creation of music!

Devices -          Riffs, Imitation, Call & Response, 12 Bar Blues or 32 Bar Popular song Structure (AABA).


Texture -          Dixiland Jazz - Polyphonic. Melody and Accompaniment common with solo lead.

Instruments -  Rhythm Section = Drums, Piano, Bass. Frontline = Trumpet, Saxophone, Trombone. 

Pitch -               Various - soloists will often improvise over their whole range.

Structure -      12 Bar Blues or 32 Bar Popular song Structure (AABA).


Other...            Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis (Trumpet), Charlie Parker (Sax)

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