Creative Task. Marking Criteria.
You have a total of 45 minutes – Including recording. The task is marked out of 40. It is worth 20% of your GCSE.
25 marks are awarded for the quality of the response to the stimulus. 15 marks are awarded for the quality of the communication.
Quality of Response (out of 25)
13–16. Level 4. The response uses the stimulus musically and is generally coherent. The ideas used show some musical understanding. Compositional devices are applied in a craftsmanlike way within an appropriate structure, although the piece may lack a sense of style or be inconsistent in this respect. The resource is used with some effectiveness.
17–20. Level 5. The stimulus makes an important contribution to the character of the composition. Musical ideas are developed effectively using a range of compositional devices. The piece has a sense of style, with the resource well used. There is a well planned structural framework.
21–24. Level 6. The stimulus is used imaginatively and the piece has a strong sense of style. Musical ideas contain individuality and are developed effectively throughout the piece. The structure supports a good balance of unity and variety and there is very effective use of the resource.
25. Exceptional performance. A highly musical piece which shows exceptional flair. The piece exploits the stimulus consistently and is effective and memorable. There is a clear sense of personal style, supported by a strong structure. There is sophisticated use of the resource.
Quality of Communication (out of 15)
9–10. Level 5. Recorded outcomes convey the intention accurately and there is a range of elements in addition to pitch and rhythm. There is a sense of metre and there is generally good technical control of the resource. Computer generated recordings are mechanical, and written outcomes contain a range of tempo, dynamic and articulation but some of these lack musical shaping.
11–12. Level 6. Recorded outcomes show some stylistic understanding and contain some convincing passages. Technical control is secure with good intonation and tone where appropriate. Written outcomes contain markings of tempo, dynamics and articulation which make musical sense, although there are a few passages where some of the details are either lacking or excessive.
13–14. Level 7. The piece is communicated musically and stylishly. Recorded outcomes contain musical shaping, articulation and dynamic shading all appropriate to the resource and style. The performance is confident and there is very good technical control. Written outcomes clearly show how the piece is to be performed and there are musically conceived dynamics and marks of articulation.
15. Exceptional performance. The piece is communicated in a way that shows consistently mature insights into the musical impact of the composition. Recorded outcomes are flawless, and written outcomes show a level of detail appropriate to the musical style throughout.